4 Excellent Healing Techniques To Recover From Sports Injuries

2022-10-10 00:20:46 By : Ms. judy zhu

Sports-related injuries can have an injurious effect on your momentum. That’s why, when you’ve got sprains and strains, rotator cuff pain, or swollen muscles, you want to address them quickly and apply the most efficient recovery scheme. Physical therapists and nutritionists are always seeking more efficient ways for the human body to recover from injury.  

The RICE method is the way to address soft tissue injuries. Rice stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation and it is effectively a kind of cold therapy that serves athletes at the onset of a sports injury. These are four things that you would do in the immediate 72 hours after receiving an injury.

Protection and rest are vital to the healing process. The minimum level of care dictates not only no exertion for the injured area but that no weight should be put on it for a few days. Any further distress, even moderate, could worsen the injury and lead to a longer recovery time.

Ice should be applied liberally in the first days after an injury. Doctors advise that ice be applied to an injured area for ten to fifteen minutes at a time every few hours, for at least two days. The ice will reduce pain and swelling by slowing down the pain receptors, which makes you less sensitive to pain. The low temperatures are also acting as vasoconstrictors, which ensures a more efficient lymphatic system.

Compression is an effective companion to cold therapy. The pressure, as from an elastic bandage, should be wrapped tight enough to reduce swelling while not interrupting blood flow. Just as a Mobility supplement aims to support joint mobility, compression aims to enhance the effect of cold therapy. 

When you keep the injured part of your body above your heart level is critical to reducing swelling. It also reduces pain and relieves pressure and can easily be done with pillows.

Compression boots enhance blood flow and improve circulation, which necessarily improves recovery after a workout or contest. Applying compression to an area also reduces swelling, which can help to reduce pain. Recent meta-analyses on compression garments have reported faster recovery of muscle function. Compression garments are even dynamic enough to act as protection for broken bones and torn tendons. 

Today, you can employ technology to help you to establish and maintain appropriate levels of nutrition and hydration. Body composition analysis, for example, may provide valuable information about the balance between fat, fat-free mass, and fluid. Hydration testing is used to determine an athlete’s body fluid balance. When properly hydrated, that athlete’s body works most efficiently to prevent and recover from injury. This applies to everything from keeping joints properly lubricated to helping to ensure a good night’s rest.

The food that you put in your body has a serious impact on how well your body functions. Eating foods that are high in protein can help to quickly reinforce your muscle tissue and reduce the risk of losing muscle mass, which often accompanies sports-related injuries. 

Fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C can help with inflammation, which is essential for developing range of motion and restoring your body to its original state.

Sports injuries can leave you sidelined but nothing’s worse than compounding the injury with improper recovery therapy. Proper injury recovery is a holistic one that addresses the injury on multiple levels, from rest to mental state to nutrition. By keeping up with the latest philosophies while engaging in new versions of tried and true recovery techniques, you’re helping to ensure a quick and efficient recovery. 

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